Munds Wagon Trail, Cow Pies and Hangover Loop

3/30/2021: "Big views and lots of variety." "Wall-to-wall beautiful." This was Marguerite's favorite hike of our week stay in 2021 but it took its toll on her: “You better believe we’re having beer!” This was a beautiful hike. Again, very happy that we got an early start. Still, we met several people later in the day as the crowds hit the trail. All three parts (Munds Wagon, Cow Pies and Hangover Trails) had their unique contributions to the hike. Hiking counter-clockwise, we paralleled a pretty stream all the way up the Munds Trail before taking the Cow Pie Trail. I wondered why they called it Cow Pie and discovered that the rock formations look like huge cow pies. I am glad it wasn’t because a bunch of cows left real cow pies along the trail 😊. We hiked counter clockwise, going up the Munds Wagon Trail to the Cowpies intersection, and followed that to the Hangover Trail. This is a Lolli-pop loop.

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Cool at the start with beautiful views
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We continued toward Cowpies counterclockwise
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Juniper (Gin) Tree?
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Pear Cactus everywhere
Munds Wagon Cow Pies and Hangover Video (1)
Moving towards Cow Pies
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View from Cow Pies
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Note trench in rock - How many years of water runoff?
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Top of Cow Pies - which way? Follow GPS
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From Cow Pies
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More views from Cow Pies - we had lunch right there
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Warning for bikers, but hikers be careful too
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Moving onto Hangover Trail
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Take your time and you should be fine
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That's why they call it Hangover
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Yucca budding
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View from saddle at top of Hangover Trail
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Crazy rock - what caused that?
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Nice trail on backside of Hangover Trail
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Still a Hangover
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Munds Wagon Cow Pies and Hangover (24)
Requisite Selfie
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Steep but steady. Boots grip the rock very nicely.
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But there is still a bit of butt sliding when necessary
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So few flowers yet in bloom - flower (wild onion?) and butterfly